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CleanSolution Services


Phone (503) 432-8302
Address 1631 NE Broadway, Unit 327,
Portland, OR 97232 United States


CLEANSOLUTION Services is a provider of janitorial and commercial cleaning services. Currently operating in Portland, Oregon and Northern Virginia. Services cover most facility maintenance needs such as: professional custodial & day porter services, carpet cleaning, window washing, hard floor care and grounds maintenance.

Whether you've got a small office, a residential complex or a large building, CLEANSOLUTION Services offers a wide range of building maintenance and commercial cleaning services. With 35 years of experience, our professional team has built a solid reputation for delivering consistently high-quality service -- at competitive rates. And, we've got many exceptional client references to prove it. We offer fast response times, affordable green cleaning and a serious 100% satisfaction guarantee to all of our customers.

CLEANSOLUTION Services has a simple, sustainable, and progressive approach to cleaning. The goal is to protect the health of humans without harming the environment. This is achieved by extensive experience in the maintenance field, by state of the art equipment and supplies, and by active communication with facility occupants.

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